Hair · May 6, 2015

Your Grandma's Hair Is Super In Right Now

If you've been slacking on touching up your pesky greys, congratulations! You're officially on-trend. Despite the common inclination to cover up one's roots, young A-listers have been dying their full heads a faux grey, even causing a noticeable spike in the color's hair dye sales. The resulting trend has been coined "Granny Hair" (seriously, search #GrannyHair on Instagram), the female counterpart to the well-known Silver Fox. And we have to admit, after seeing every shade of cotton-candy hair color under the rainbow, going prematurely grey looks surprisingly sharp and sophisticated.

Like naturally aging hair, the Granny Hair trend encompasses a wide range of hues, from Rihanna's salt-and-pepper finish, to bright, borderline-white a la Ellie Goulding, to ashen shades like Kelly Osbourne's look. And if going completely grey before your time isn't edgy enough, you can always go the metallic route (touch, Miley). So next time you feel the urge to cover an unsightly sliver of silver, just remind yourself that you've always been ahead of the curve.


Erica Smith