Food · January 26, 2015

Say Good Morning to Your New Favorite Breakfast: A Green Smoothie Fit for Paul Bunyan

Our search for the perfect breakfast smoothie began with a simple question: How could one make green smoothie more appealing to, say, a lumberjack? Or Nick Offerman. After mulling a lot of terrible ideasRocky-style raw eggs, ground beef with a bubble-tea straw, even rimming the glass with Doritos crumbswe decided to seek professional help. So we reached out to Keri Glassman, founder of Nutritious Life.

Glassman had plenty of ideas for making the typical green concoction bulkier and more filling. Ingredients that add volume like chia seeds will help fill you up. And fats like nut butters or avocado add satietythey help to keep you satisfied for longer. Heres her take on the lumberjack green smoothie. Its both salty and sweet, healthy and substantial. We like to call it, The Incredible Hulk.


- 1 cup coconut milk

- 1 banana, frozen

- 1 cup raw spinach

- avocado

- 1 tbsp chia seeds

- 1 scoop of protein powder (Glassman recommends Vega or Sun Warrior)

- 1 celery stick

- 1 strip cooked bacon

(This breakfast smoothie clocks in at 600 calories, 33 grams of fat, 36 grams of protein, 41 grams of carbs, 22 grams of sugar)


Add to blender and blend away. Garnish with 1 celery stick and organic bacon strip. Why the celery stick? When men eat celery they give off pheromones women love, says Glassman. We certainly wont say no to that. And the bacon? Well, becausebacon.

This article is part of the Birchbox Man 31-Day Challenge for January 2015. Click to see all daily challenges and to learn how you can win sweet stuff all month.

