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Pop Culture · January 14, 2015

Matthew McConaughey's Audition Tape for “Dazed and Confused” Will Put You In Sync with the Universe

Recently, a VHS tape was uncovered that contained a priceless treasure. That treasure was Matthew McConaughey's original audition for Dazed and Confused, the cult film that would launch his Oscar-winning careerand one unforgettable catchphrase.

While the chance to see a young Rust Cohle (complete with Headbanger's Ball t-shirt) is reward enough in itself, the tape reveals something far more impactful: Times may have changed, but McConaughey has not. Seriously, let that one sink in. After two decades, dozens of films, and multiple major awards, this guy is still exactly the same as he was at the very beginning. Call it what you willweird, comforting, impressive, a universal singularitybut we're putting this one in the "win" column.


Nathaniel Nagy

Copywriter, cold brew advocate, purveyor of handcrafted birthday haikus since 2009.