DIY · July 10, 2015
The Birchbox Weekender

Eat Breakfast for Dessert
In the world of fake holidays, National Blueberry Muffin Day may lean more towards the ridiculous side, but we'll take any excuse to eat some extra treats. Check out this recipe for blueberry muffin cookies from The Seasoned Mom to celebrate in style. And while you are in the cookie mindset, check out these vegan cookies recently made by Mollie, our Editorial Director and in-house Cookie Monster.
Go Back to Summer Camp
Its fair to say most of us went through a friendship bracelet phase, whether we were gifting them to our BFFs or keeping the colorful creations for ourselves. For a 2015 update, grab your thread, choose your favorite shades, and try this DIY for embroidered headphones. It'll take your earbuds from techy to Etsy-worthy!
Watch Boys Try the Cat-Eye
Our mascara is definitely smudged after watching BuzzFeeds hilarious video of guys trying to achieve the perfect cat-eye. Watch on repeat, then review our guide to applying liquid liner before you head out for the night to make sure your wing ends up where it belongs.
Get Your Groove Back
Take a break Sunday night to update your Spotify playlist for the upcoming week. Dont know where to start? Florence Welch of Florence and the Machine has you covered. Her playlist has the best selection, whether you need to crank some tunes for exercise motivation, or just want excuse to get up and dance. Our favorite pick? "Swim Good" by Frank Ocean.
Britni Birt
Always willing to pay extra for avocado. Always doing it for the Insta.