Makeup · July 28, 2017

Read Our Lips: What Does Your Lip Print Say About You?

What is Lipsology?

Lipsology is the art of analyzing lip prints to determine personality traits and strengths. Entertainer Jilly Eddy developed Lipsology after studying over 10,000 lip prints from friends, family, and celebrities. She developed guidelines for over 25 different categories and 100 subcategories that help lisologists analyze lip prints today. Heres how it works: Apply a generous layer of lipstick and make a lip print on a plain white piece of paper. Repeat at least once, applying another layer of lipstick between each print. Keep in mind: youre analyzing your lip print, not your lips, so the way you make your print (the placement on the page and the size of your print) all contribute to your outcome. Your lip print will also change day to day depending on your health, stress, or state of mind when making your printsthats all part of the fun!

How to Analyze Your Lip Print

Given the complexity of reading a lip print, we recommend going straight to an expertAriana even offers keepsake lip print readings that make a cute gift! Visit her website to learn more. Nevertheless, here are a few of the key indicators that she looks for in prints.

Shape: Triangle and diamond shaped lips are common and indicate that you recognize others strengths, help others to succeed, and are a good mentor.

Size: The size of your lip print doesnt necessarily correlate to the size of your lipspeople with small lips can make large prints and vice versa. A small print indicates that youre detail oriented. Medium prints are a sign that you like to stay busy, and you juggle many things in your work and personal life. Large lip prints are a sign that you have a go big or go home personality.

Color Intensity: Regardless of the color of your lipstick, the intensity of your print can speak to your energy level. A light, or ghost print (as Ariana referred to mine), means you likely need a vacation or time to recharge (accurate). A highly pigmented print means youre full of energy!

Fullness: Again, a full lip print doesnt necessarily correlate with a full lip. A full upper and lower lip are a sign of a good listener and communicator. According to Ariana, many journalists have a full upper and lower lip print. A thin upper lip print indicates an attention to detail and a sense of caution with money.

Lines: Large lines through your print can indicate a large change or upheaval in your life: think major life events like a divorce or career move.

After getting my own lip prints read, there were a few key takeaways. Ariana picked up on some of my strong suits, like being a good listener, and having a slightly sarcastic sense of humor. She also called attention to some stress and fatigue that might be affecting my health. Luckily, our lip prints are not set in stoneso Ill be scheduling a mini-holiday to de-stress and recharge soon. What are your lip prints telling you?


Alexis Bridenbaugh