Outdoors · April 24, 2015

This Is What Sun Exposure Does to Your Skin


According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the 69-year-old driver experienced "gradual, asymptomatic thickening and wrinkling of the skin" due to the fact that "Ultraviolet A (UVA) rays transmit through window glass, penetrating the epidermis and upper layers of dermis."

Basically, this is hard evidence that you should always be protecting your skin with SPF, and treating it with anti-aging moisturizers and creams.

Worry not, concerned reader. We've got you covered:

Here's a primer on SPF, as well as the difference between UVA and UVB rays.

Moisturizers have numerous functions, and it's important to pick one that suits your specific need.

You might consider applying night cream to boost cellular regeneration while you sleep.

There are plenty of ways to proactively prevent signs of aging, though you should never underestimate the various agents that can help in the fight.

Lastly, be sure you know how to apply moisturizer properly; it should be slow and graceful, just like your aging process.


Adam Hurly