Makeup · February 15, 2019

Your Guide to Product Expiration

Toss After 3 Months

As a rule of thumb, anything that touches your eyes should be replaced regularly. Bacteria can easily creep into an open tube of mascara or a liquid liner, transferring upon application to cause itchy, irritated eyes...orgaspconjunctivitis!

We know that you already clean your beloved beautyblender every week, along with your makeup brushes (wink, wink), but did you know that even with regular washing, you should replace your special sponge every 3 months? The goal is for it to create a flawless finish for your makeup and not to cause breakouts.

Toss After 6-12 Months

Depending on the delivery system (pump vs. open cap), liquid foundations can last for about a year. Because most formulas are water-based, it's important to store them in dry, cool places (read: not in your bathroom during steamy showers!) so as not to promote bacteria growth or cause the ingredients to separate.

Toss After A Year

We tend to get emotionally attached to lip colors, but eventually it's good to switch them up (or at least get a new one in the same shade). Similar to what happens with eye makeup, lipsticks and glosses are constantly exposed to your mouth, making it easy to transfer germs back and forth from the tube to your body.

Toss After 1-2 Years

It's hard to make any blanket statements about skincare since various active ingredients have different shelf lives, but it's best to go by its PAO, if provided, to see if it's safe to slather.

Toss After 2-3 Years

A powder compact can withstand a couple of years of use. If you notice any change in color, texture, or smell before then, it's best to bid it farewell.

Are you overdue for a beauty purge?



Alexis Bridenbaugh