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My Payot Creme Glow My Payot Creme Glow 1

My Payot Creme Glow

2 reviews

Containing 95% ingredients of natural origin, this vitamin-packed cream reveals the skin's natural radiance thanks to its formula enriched with super-ingredients (Organic Pomegranate, Organic Goji, and Açaí extracts) and Vitamin C derivative. My Payot Crème Glow moisturizes for 12 hours and protects the skin against daily aggression. The skin texture is refined and the complexion glows. You will love its comforting cream texture with a peach-skin effect. Ideal for normal to dry skin.

Full Size: 1.6 fl oz

Weight: 1.6oz


Coming soon


  • Brightening
  • Moisturizing
  • Nourishing
  • All Skin

How to use it

To apply both day and night. May be used as summer care.
