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Your Way Eyeliner + Remover Your Way Eyeliner + Remover 1

Your Way Eyeliner + Remover

1 review

Your Way Eyeliner + Remover is a first-of-its-kind 2-in-1 liquid eyeliner + makeup remover pen. The eyeliner side is equipped with a precision felt tip and boldly pigmented waterproof formula that glides effortlessly with precision and consistency.

The chisel tipped remover side is charged with gentle makeup-removing formula that erases any makeup mistakes and lets you refine your makeup with ease.

E Y E L I N E R :

✓ W A T E R P R O O F

✓ S M O O T H & C O N S I S T E N T G L I D E

✓ V E G A N , C R U E L T Y - F R E E , C L E A N

R E M O V E R :

✓ G E N T L E C L E A N S I N G F O R M U L A

✓ E R A S E S A N Y M A K E U P
✓ V E G A N , C R U E L T Y - F R E E , C L E A N

Eyeliner 0.4ml / 0.013 fl. oz.  Remover 0.4ml / 0.013 fl. oz. Made in Japan


Coming soon

How to use it

Use the tip of the pen to create flawless lines and design your look accordingly. Gently apply the remover tip onto any makeup mistakes you want to fix and erase them!
